The Suspected Post. Can Anyone Verify? Thursday, Dec 18 2008 

Peace Be Upon The Sheep of Messiah Yeshua:


I received another supposedly copy of  Joel Stockstill’s suspected post. It’s slightly different from what I was given about three weeks ago. I received this copy from the username “Renee R”. I’ve attempted to contact Renee R for further investigation but the YAHOO.COM e-mail account was undeliverable. Joel’s original posting will be in bold with my response in plain text. This post was submitted to Ovadyah on December 09, 2008 @ 3:44p.m.


Updated–May 29, 2009.

Well, it looks like The Stockstills have successfully abolished Joel’s post into never-never land. The link given did go to a blank page on Joel’s website which re-directs you to a post by his daddy doing damage control. So, that Email you guys are circulating is the only evidence that it existed. If you look at the I.P. Addresses on it you can follow it back to Joel.

I couldn’t help but laugh though. Joel was obviously campaigning for the McCain/Palin Camp as seen in his blogs “Palin Phenomenon” Pt.1 and 2. and when that failed to convinced his black disciples he blames them for being “divisive” and being involved in politics, LOL!! How do y’all stand for that, LOL.

Bethany’s Encounter Pt.1(Forget The Sabbath) Thursday, Dec 18 2008 

Peace and Grace to you in the name of Christ Jesus

     How many of you have attended Bethany’s Enounter and were led to take upon your self the vows of the ten commandments? I did and I’m still repenting for being led astray to their editing of God’s Law. A red flag and alarm bells went off in my mind when we approached the FOURTH COMMANDMENT :


 8 “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. 9 Six days you shall labor and do all your work, 10 but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your manservant or maidservant, nor your animals, nor the alien within your gates. 11 For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.(Ex.20:8)



     However, when the “cell leaders” quoted the Sabbath Commandment it was like this:


“Remember the Sabbath Day and keep it holy…. If you can’t give just one day to God something is wrong. So every Sun-day[1st. Day] you need to be in church giving praise to God”.




     Next we responded by saying the Amens, blessings, and curses found at Deuteronomy 27 -28. Deuteronomy 28:15 says that if we go astray from the laws of ADONAI we will be placed under a curse. It’s also ironic that Bethany in original Hebrew means (House of Misery/Poverty).


The problem: BETHANY WORLD PRAYER CENTER changed the fourth commandment to say we will honor the 1st. Day and set it apart as a Holy Convocation  and completely abandon the day ADONAI told us to keep AND TO WHICH WE VOWED TO KEEP. The word keep in the original language, shamar, literally means to KEEP AS IN PROTECT.  ADONAI instructed those who accepted these vows to PROMISE that we would PROTECT (DT.5:12) THIS DAY AS HOLY (EX.20:8). Those who changed ADONAI’S laws and appointed time(s) have violated this covenant and we know what the wages of sin is, death. This is the longest of the ten commandments yet the Stockstills are so bold that they don’t even have the decency to keep it as a whole sentence and render it a fragment.


     ADONAI warns us further about mankind editing his laws as noted at Dt.4:2


     You shall not add  to the word which I am commanding you, nor take away from it, that you may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you.


     Christ backs up his Father about editing The Laws of God, MT.5:17-19:


Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.






I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.






Anyone who LOOSENS one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.







     Christ’s instructions shows him to be the TRUE CHRIST and NOT THE ANTI-CHRIST, AMEN!! The Prophet Daniel warns us about the Anti-Christ and his regard for ADONAI’S Laws.  Prophet Daniel states his role in the last days,i.e., the Anti-Christ will seek to change God’s Laws and appointed times.

“He will speak against the Most High and oppress his saints and try to change the set times and the laws. The saints will be handed over to him for a time, times and half a time. DAN.7:25)”


With all of these warnings about changing ADONAI’S laws, taking upon ourselves the blessings/curses with the AMENS, and changing GOD’s times and Laws, What do we deserve if we continue in this way? I’ll tell you………….. IT’S A HOUSE OF MISERY(BETHANY).




Dear Subscribers Peace and Grace Be Upon You,


     It appears that Sen. John McCain has shown that his joining with Sarah Palin wasn’t an annointing as the Stockstill’s attempt to portray. In an interview on ABC John McCain was asked if he would support Sarah Palin if she ran for president, in a very polite and indirect way he states NO!! This brings to mind all of the  preachers and prophets who claimed that Sarah Palin would rock the world with her annointing and how her teaming up with John McCain was God ordained. It was all a con to snatch Hillary Clinton’s voters. Now that Gov. Palin is of no use politically, John McCain has tossed the Stockstill’s annointed princess to the curb. John’s next scheme for Presidency? He’s looking for a minority. Now don’t get your hopes up, McCain isn’t looking for a black man, but one that might qualify, our Govenor Bobby Jindall. But to John’s sorrow, lastnight on WAFB Bobby Jindall stated after thinking about the matter he will have to turn old John down and stick with Louisiana.




     If the above is true and John McCain truly saw an annointed woman(AS THE STOCKSTILLS CLAIM) and a true leader, WHY wouldn’t he support her next attempt at running for the 2012 Presidential office? After the CNN article I’ll provide a direct link for your reading/reference.  The sentence provided reflects my inquiry mind:


McCain was pressed on why he can’t promise support for the woman who, just months ago, he named as the second best person to lead the nation.


Brothers and Sisters we already know that those opposed to President-elect Obama will stop at nothing to bring him down; all their attempts have failed. The latest is their attempt to link Barack Obama with the corrupt Govenor of Illinois. However, even John McCain is falling out of favor with his party because he’s not joining them in their obvious malicious intent!! In this same article McCain says,


McCain rejected complaints from the Republican National Committee that Obama has not been transparent about his contacts with Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich.

“I think that the Obama campaign should and will give all information necessary,” McCain told ABC’s “This Week.”

“You know, in all due respect to the Republican National Committee and anybody — right now, I think we should try to be working constructively together, not only on an issue such as this, but on the economy, stimulus package, reforms that are necessary.”


     I don’t claim to be a prophet but I can assure you that the Republicans, unlike the Stockstills, know that what they call minorities are now the majority with authority. I can see how they will put forth a minority Republican nominee and give up presenting those phoney Christians.

Law$ of Increa$e Friday, Dec 12 2008 

Peace to you in the name of The Holy One, Christ Jesus…

     It seems that the old greedy Larry Stockstill remains despite his deceitful attempt to repent from false doctrines and wierd practices. If you travel to Larry Stockstill’s television stations’s website WLFT, you will see the promotion of his profit making doctrine, The Laws of Increase. It really shocked me because even the corrupt televangelist who practiced deceitful capital campaigns (Joyce Meyer so far) are turning away from these scams. I guess when you start losing donations from a majority of your congregation, you have to go back to what works….SELLING HOPE!! Preying instead of Praying!! Endorsing Profits instead of Prophets!!




     The author violates every basic reading comprehension rule there is. He redefines almost every biblical definition of Bible words to fit his obvious coveting. It should appaul even the teenager in middle school how Larry Stockstill deceitfully  supports his pretext. Have the naive at Bethany finally discovered the greatest protest is boycott?!  My biggest concern about re-advertising this book is….




     He goes on to give a lesson on witnessing to unbelievers from Scripture.  A gross abuse of  the Gospel of Luke chapter-5. Larry Stockstill obviously has no conscience. He claims that this chapter shows us how to witness to unbelievers and he uses the catchphrase “GET INTO THEIR BOAT” (Pg. 10, Laws of Increase, Larry Stockstill, Xulon Press) . The phrase “GET INTO THEIR BOAT” according to Larry Stockstill means nothing more than “HEY, CAN I GET TO KNOW YOU?” and supports his eisegesis with Luke Chapter-5. Larry Stockstill states he encountered an unbeliever from another country and never informed that person he was a Christian or Pastor. Is this what Christ did in Luke’s narrative?  Let’s see without isolating verses to fit any pretext:


  1. After teaching in Syngagogue and healing the crowds. The Galileans didn’t want Yeshua to leave them but he responded that “I MUST PREACH GOOD NEWS TO OTHER TOWNS AS WELL….that’s MY PURPOSE(Luke 4:43)”.
  2. After seeing the empty boats(V.2) he got into the boat and SAT DOWN AND TAUGHT THE PEOPLE (V.3) which backs up His statement above, ‘ I MUST PREACH THE GOOD NEWS TO OTHER TOWNS(4:43)’.
  3. Christ’s miracle along with his words caused Peter to immediately repent(Luke 5:8)
  4. Peter immediately became a disciple (Luke 5:10)
  5. They left EVERYTHING and FOLLOWED him (Lk.5:11)


Now Larry Stockstill’s version of witnessing:

  1. I didn’t tell them I was a pastor(Pg.11)
  2. I didn’t witness to them with words(Pg.11)
  3. I just sat down in their boat with them (Pg.11)
  4. I simply sacrificed a bit of time to be with them, to get to know them(Pg.12)
  5. Just get into their boat(Pg.12)


     Is that all Christ did? He didn’t witness to them? He didn’t preach? He didn’t cause repentance? He didn’t win a disicple? He merely became friends with people? He simply “sacrificed” time to get to know them? NO, GOD FORBID! Yeshua preached the goodnews without precondition. Christ did not wait months or weeks to get to know people and then slipped in the Good News. 

     Second, Larry Stockstill is quite prideful to suggest his model of lifestyle is what we should follow. I knew the naive deified him as an idol BUT TO PRAISE YOURSELF IS AN ABOMINATION!! Larry you are NOT the example, Christ alone(Blessed Be He).

     Oh my goodness! He goes on to apply JOHN  12:24 and 2Sam.24:24 which he again violates basic biblical hermeneutics and states these as examples of sacrificing. Again, not the biblical definition of Sacrifice but his capital and friendship witnessing versions. We’ve aleady become aware of the true CONTEXT of 2Sam.24:24.

     However, I must give credit where it’s due. He does correctly state that some people give with the expectation of giving which is not godly. We should give because we have found this giving to contribute to an annointed purpose (charity, homelessness, etc.). HOWEVER, this totally contradicts his purpose of writing that very book. He states his purpose is to show us how to get “increase”. In the context of the book it’s obviously an increase in capital/goods. Anyone who has REALLY read a contract that sounded to good to be true can see the deception. Many ads on T.V. promise you the world (weightloss, huge muscles, ripped abs, financial prosperity, etc.). Yet, when you read the “SMALL PRINT” you realise their hidden disclosure(results not typical, these statement have not been evaluated by the F.D.A., people shown are paid actors). It’s the same with Larry Stockstill’s promises. He knows the results won’t happen and his disclosure is DON’T EXPECT TO GET ANYTHING IN RETURN but at the same time I’LL SHOW YOU HOW TO GET INCREASE.

     The way Larry Stockstill goes back and forth out of context is very confusing. He uses the original author’s words but could care less of the original author’s definition(s) behind those words or their immediate context.  This is why it’s important to study the original languages and biblical hermeneutics.  Larry Stockstill is an expert at appealing to human greed. Everytime I read his steps on how to get “INCREASE” he reminds us, the readers, not to expect it or follow these steps simply to get increase. Why even produce this book then? Why state the reason is to show us how to obtain “increase” when we’re not to really follow his steps for increase?! Confusing….

I just had to stop because it was so hard to follow,i.e., NON-SEQUITOR!! He isolates so many verses and superimposes so many semantics on “SACRIFICE” the reader is left believing that the original authors sometimes used the hebrew/greek words for sacrifice to mean merely “spend time with people don’t preach the gospel” to “give over and beyond sacrifice your family’s needs”. We can see from his international trips, His kids graduating college, musical lessons, Joel’s West Palm Beach  shopping spree, that Larry Stockstill’s claim he doesn’t want your money is a “PHONEY TESTIMONY”. He merely wants us to be rich, LOL…OMGoodness…


It’s the skin of  truth STUFFED WITH LIES!!





Oral Roberts & O.R.University Wednesday, Nov 26 2008 

Article forthcoming. I encourage all to conduct their own research as to the failed prophecies by Oral Roberts and the financial mishandlings by him and his family.

Joel Stockstill proudly hails this deceiver as a man of God.

Bethany’s Black Congregation Pt.2 Tuesday, Nov 25 2008 

Peace In The Name of Christ Jesus Who Reveals The Deceptions of Men:



     It seems the more and more I read and re-read the blogs of Bethany’s leaders and interview members of their congregations, the more my heart aches at the obvious prejudice coming forth. George W. Bush was likewise hailed as a mighty Christian(Methodist) and as we have seen he was a total embarassment. The man even stocked the shelves of The Lifeway Christian Bookstore by the Bluebonnet Mall.  LIFEWAY Christian Bookstore even carries not ONE BUT TWO of Sarah Palin’s books

  1. Sarah Palin: Faith, Family, Country
  2. Sarah: How A Hockey Mom Turned The Political Establishment Upside Down


The employees looked at me like I was nuts for asking if they had any Obama books since they had Bush’s AND Sarah Palin’s books. After questioning two of the cashiers as to why they replied, “ISN’T HE A MUSLIM?”. What??!! 

Seeing how Bush clearly screwed up America, how can we say he was sent by God?! His election to office stings the Black community so much THE CHURCH SHOULD REPENT for endorsing him. They got him elected!! Do we hear of BETHANY repenting for endorsing such a leader?! Nope!! They want to continue with the same old Bush-Doctrine.  

     To show how Bethany continues to deceive people. MARK AND CONNIE WILLIAMS commented to Joel’s blog about Sarah Palin being Spirit Filled and endorsed by Prophecy(via Kim Clement) stated:


In Hebrew, Sarah means ‘noble woman’ (Strong’s 8283).

In Greek, the word Palin means ‘renewal.’ (Strong’s 3825).

She indeed is a noble woman who will bring renewal to this country. A desperate need indeed for the poor state of our nation when folks don’t care about what’s on the heart of the Father. They just care about their agenda being promoted.


     First, there are some half truths in the above comment. Sarah indeed means a noble woman, i.e., a princess. Why because the biblical Sarah(Gen.17:16) would have Kings(children) come forth from her. However a noble woman or an annointed princess:


  1. Would know Africa was a continent
  2. Wouldn’t spend $150,000.00 of donations on clothes in only 2months with a suffering economy
  3. Wouldn’t lie about reading economy magazines and couldn’t name ONE!
  4. Wouldn’t end up with a pregnant unwed teen!!
  5. Would’ve won the election if it were really GOD’s will


     The leaders at Bethany should remove the BEAM from Sarah Palin’s eyes before they dwell on the splinters in Barack’s eye.  



 Futhermore, Mark and Connie Williams are stating half the truth. The Greek word “PALIN” in fact means “RENEWAL” but that’s not the whole dictionary entry!! It means “renewal or REPETITION of action”. Click here to see the dictionary entries and start with Matthew to see how it’s used. The word “PALIN” is renewing what has been done NOT destroying the old and starting freshSort of like Sarah Palin REPEATING THE ACTIONS OF BUSH. Repeating the same lack of knowledge. Repeating the same old lies!! Renewing Bush’s policies, starting again.



THE SECOND LIE is posted by “JOSH O” where he quotes John 4:14 and lies about the greek behind the words “SPRINGING UP” meaning “PALIN” in the original greek. Brothers and Sisters click here and check their claims and stop ignoring the warning signs that they ARE DECEIVING YOU!! The greek word PALIN is nowhere in John 4:14. These people know you either don’t have the means to check or you trust them so much, you wouldn’t dare test what they say.  Thayer’s and Smith’s Greek Lexicon states that the word translated as “springing” is the original Greek word ALLOMAI(Strongs#242) which means to leap or gush up; it depends on the context.  Again, My Brothers and Sisters you have to examine what these people say!!


     As the responder “The Undeniable Truth Speaking” stated on Oct.05,2008

We have had EIGHT YEARS of a very conservative president, and six years of a conservative congress, and now after Justice Alito and Roberts, a conservative Supreme Court. But, abortion and gay marriage are STILL LEGAL. Sarah Palin does not have a clue on how to explain almost anything but energy and being “mavericks.” She cannot control her own children, nevertheless the USA.
Sarah Palin did pass legislation in Alaska giving SAME-SEX COUPLES THE SAME RIGHTS AS MARRIED HETEROSEXUAL COUPLES adding to the very few states that allows this.



Furthermore, as a surname, Palin has a much different meaning as noted by ANCESTRY.COM


palin Name Meaning and History

  1. Welsh: Anglicized form of the Welsh patronymic ap Heilyn ‘son of Heilyn’, which is probably a derivative of a word meaning ‘to serve at table’.
  2. English: habitational name from Palling in Norfolk or Poling in Sussex. These were named in Old English with the personal names Pælli and Pal respectively, + -ingas ‘followers of’, ‘dependants of’.
  3. French: unexplained.

Dictionary of American Family Names, Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-508137-4


I will be the first to admit that Obama isn’t perfect, only Christ. What disturbs me is the over-and-beyond endorsements and courtesy that McCain and Palin received from the leaders of Bethany. In their Pre-election Posts the calls for prayer that God would lead her in the right direction(WHY NOT BARACK OBAMA?) and how she is a Christian(WHY NOT BARACK OBAMA?), Joel, why can’t Barack Obama’s family represent America? Is it because they don’t look like yours?!

 Please Brothers and Sisters don’t ignore the deception of Bethany(House of Misery). God has showed you too many warning signs. How long will you sit and pray inside of a burning house before you finally take in all of the signs God is sending and GET OUT!!! Stop being complacement! Stop igoring the warning signs! It reminds me of the parable about the man stuck in the Hurricane’s flood waters:


     There was once a man who lived in the city of New Orleans. He was watching the news and heard about the “mother of all storms” heading his way. He replied, “I claim safety, all I need to do is pray”. As the storm drew closer and grew bigger he replied, “I stand on the word and pray for safety”. As the Hurrican hit land and the flood waters began to rise. The man steadfast in his faith replied, “I claim safety in Jesus name”. A police officer began pounding on his door, “Get out, I can still drive you to safety”. The main replied, “I’m waiting on Jesus to save me, that’s why we pray, things will change, I claim it”.

     The waters, without warning, caused the man to retreat to his rooftop. The U.S. Coastguard flew over his home and sent down a basket for the man to enter. He shoved it away and claimed, “I claim safety and will wait on God to change things”. Needless to say the waters rose too high and the man drowned.

     Upon entering heaven and standing face to face with Christ(blessed be he), the man asked, “Master, I stood in faith and prayed continually for things to get better but you LET ME DROWN!! Why didn’t you save me??!!

     Christ repsonded, who do you think sent the Deputy, Coastguard, and forecast warnings!! The man’s head sunk into his chest in shame.


     How long will you sit in Bethany and ignore the warning signs?!

Seeing how I don’t endorse TBN, due to it’s corrupt priesthood and failed prophecies, I had no idea who Kim Clement was. A simple search revealed several CHRISTIAN ministries WARNING Christians of this false prophet.

Coveting, Stockstill, and 2Sam.24:24(Pt.2) Thursday, Nov 20 2008 

Blessings In The Name of Christ Who Calls Us To On Guard Against The Scams of The Greedy




     In part-1 of this series, I showed how Larry Stockstill follows the flawed hermeneutics of the greedy and corrupt televangelist he commonly quotes and associates with. He abused the Holy Scriptures of 2Sam. 24:24 as a prooftext to covet the monies of the biblical illiterate.

 Larry Stockstill claims the narrative of David is actually a teaching on Capital(money) Campaigns. However, when we follow context and the basic rules of reading comprehension, we discover that the only campaign Larry Stockstill is crusading for is a “Coveting-Campaign”. He himself boasts about having lived a good life.

     Larry Stockstill is not only guilty of misusing the Holy Scriptures to covet money but he and his family don’t even practice what they preach!!  They are just like the Big Bankers/C.E.O.’s who cry to everyone for bail out money while taking trips to NBA games and shopping sprees in West Palm Beach. The first suggestion in his coveting plan is:


1. Practice priority budgeting.

Many families choose to rearrange their priorities and give up something in their current budgets in order to give more to a capital campaign. Priority budgeting may mean postponing a planned expenditure for such things as a new car, vacation, home remodeling, or other major expenditure. Many Christians giving to capital stewardship campaigns find the means to give through sacrificial commitments made in faith and coupled with priority budgeting.



     Larry Stockstill further adds that he and his wife are totally committed in making these sacrifices with the congregation:


It’s going to take tremendous sacrifice and teamwork to achieve our 20/20 Vision. Melanie and I are prepared to make the greatest commitment to Bethany we have ever made. “


   Thus far we see Larry Stockstill calling on the naive to “…give up something in their budgets….” and redirect that money to his capital campaign which “…may mean postponing a planned expenditure for such things as a new car, vacation, home remodeling, or major expenditure”.

     First of all, I couldn’t ask any hard working member in this stress-burdened market to postpone a vacation!! This recreation is much needed for those work long hours and many days to put their kids through college, food on the table,  beat-up cars in tune, and clothes on their family. Larry Stockstill is blatanly speaking as one who is clueless about hard labor and obviously has had the benefit of coveting the income of the church.

     Second of all, Larry Stockstill lies to his naive members while they continue to make sacrifices. Larry claims he and Melanie will likewise give up and postpone things, e.g., a planned expenditures. Yet he himself doesn’t postpone or give up traveling. Imagine how much money he could have contributed instead of coveting from the members by giving up trips overseas. Last year (2007) he traveled to Germany AND Seoul, Korea as was noted on his website It’s very interesting that like his son Joel Stockstill, he has deleted posts which make such admissions. Remember his son Joel’s deletion of his Anti-Obama posts?

     Larry Stockstill has deleted all posts of his previous travels which were contradicting his preaching for his members to postpone and give vacations during the capital campaing until 2020. However, 2008 is no exception, he states:



       The most blatant splap-in-the-face to those who deify the Stockstills and naively give over-and-beyond during Larry’s Captital Campaign should be Joel’s statement in his blog posted on Sept. 05, 2008 titled “Wild Week!”



Boy, has this been crazy week! As many of you know, this week began with the worst hurricane in recent BR history. Hurricane Gustov (i think is how you spell it) came slamming into our lives on Monday Sept. 1. Of course, much to my dismay, we lost power around noon on Monday and stayed out till Fri. night where I live. I was corralled up at my parents house and things were hot and sticky. Nothing worse than no ac!
On Wed. I caught a flight to West Palm Beach and have had a great time here in the air conditioning and going shopping. Today I had the opportunity to hang out with my good friends Jonathan and Christina Miller, who came down from Orlando. We preceded to hit every mall in the area and do some major damage of our own! Amy would be proud of me how I shopped it up today. I thought of her much as I traveled the many stores and malls that she loves so much and made me sit and wait for hours. No one could shop like that girl!
I can tell you all this, and I think I speak for all in the Gulf Coast area, Hurricane season go away and never come back another day! It won’t disappoint me if I never have another week like this one.


     That is just amazing!!! He rightly understands that Hurrican Gustav was the “…worst hurricane in recent BR history”.

  1. Did Joel Stockstill make a sacrifice and postpone his vacationing after such a tragic storm with the congregation?
  2. Did Joel Stockstill make a sacrifice and postpone shopping  West Palm Beach shopping spree”?
  3. Did Joel Stockstill make a sacrifice and used his extra time to asssist those in need during Hurricane Gustav’s aftermath?
  4. Did Joel Stockstill make a sacrifice and “rearrange his priorities” (shopping spree, hotel stay, rountrip airfare)?
  5. Did Larry Stockstill forbid Joel Stockstill from “shopping it up” and vacationing in West Palm Beach?
  6. Did Larry Stockstill’s family choose to give up something during this “worst hurricane….”?
  7. When forced to give up A.C. did Joel make the sacrifice and ride it out till the end with the congregation?
  8. When the 220 leaders coerced the kids to contribute to Joel’s B-Day gifts  “rearranging or giving up” something during this campaign?
  9. What does a fully loaded Honda Four Wheeler help Bethany’s capital campaign, 20/20 Vision?
  10. How does roundtrip airfare to San Antonio and courtside tickets for the Stockstill boys strenghten their father’s plea for the congregation to give “OVER AND BEYOND”?


      At a time The members of Bethany needed Joel Stockstill the most he abandoned them  for one of the wealthiest and most expesive cities in the United States, i.e., West Palm Beach! Upon arriving at West Palm Beach Joel Stockstill goes on to brag about how  “I SHOPPED IT UP TODAY” and how during this capital campaign when Amy was alive and others were sacrificing he admits “NO ONE COULD SHOP LIKE THAT GIRL!” and strenghthens that statement with how she “…MADE ME SIT FOR HOURS.”.

     Yet the gullible continue to make sacrifices and give over and beyond while the Stockstill’s travel and shop!! The gullibe continue to postpone while the Stockstill’s update their websites AND blogs!! In comparing the poor who continue to give over and beyond with the fine living of the Stockstill’s my heart aches!!


Look at the comments naive made to this entry:

  1. Robin Savoy says “There is no better medicine than shopping!”.
  2. Brad Barker says, “Well I hope you shopped til you dropped Pastor Joel…Good to hear from you I was worried!”
  3. Brock Beesely says, “a man after my own heart.”.
  4. Mark and Connie Williams says, “Indeed, Pastor Joel, nothin like a lil shoppin to sooth the soul LOL!”.


As recent as Nov.14, 2008(See blog entry, Dr. Oral Roberts) he traveled to San Diego for a “preaching engagement”. Surely this was another trip that could have been postponed?! Or the author of the capital campaign Larry Stockstill when he brags about “traveling the world”.


 Larry Stockstill and his children are no different than the big Bankers/C.E.O.’s who cry for bail-out money and continue to lavish themselves with trips to NBA games and countless trips across America. The Stockstills have definitely lived the good life during their cry for bail out money, yet like the big bankers, don’t practice what they preach.

May God continue to visit misery/sickness on Bethany (House of Misery/Poverty).

Bethany’s Black Congregation Tuesday, Nov 18 2008 

It’s been brought to our attention at Ovadyah that a recent incident has caused many at Bethany’s “Campus” in Baker, La to question their leaders motives. We have seen with the election of America’s first Black President, Barack Obama, hidden racism and prejudice by believers and non-believers. I have in my possession a supposedly deleted blog by Joel Stockstill where he went-off on Barack and his supporters that wept in celebration of America’s first african-american president.

As a result, many black members of Bethany were shocked and questioned whether they should remain. In fact, I received this supposedly deleted blog from another disgruntled-former member. I say supposedly not to call this brother (who provided the deleted post) a liar but to continue this site’s truth nature.

Furthermore, it was brought to my attention that local D.J. Guy Brody , of 106.5 F.M.,came into contact with the statements by Joel Stockstill and have made several attempts to contact Joel Stockstill concerning this matter but to no avail. Joel Stockstill was conviently “OUT OF TOWN”. However, Guy Brody should be applauded for not giving up, his represenatives made several attempts. Maybe Joel was on one of his “SHOPPING SPREES IN WEST PALM BEACH AGAIN” or “COURTSIDE WITH THE LAKERS”.

I know and see people who called themselves Christian attacking and attacked President-elect Obama but NEVER JOHN MCCAIN. This is the situation at hand. This is how George W. Bush was elected. The church was successful in influencing their congregation to do the Christian thing and vote for a Christian President. As we saw with George W. Bush, he was christian only by name.  I’m so glad African-Americans weren’t tricked again!! Yet what saddens me is that it brought out the hidden racism and prejudice of chistians. And by the way, OBAMA IS A CHRISTIAN!! NOT A MUSLIM!! AND MOST DEFINITELY NOT THE ANTI-CHRIST!!

 I’m still in the research process but I felt the need to address this situation due to 78 e-mails asking if the above situation is true. Please be patient and I will verify it.


*****ADDED Nov.19, 2008***** Well I’ve visited both and and they definitely don’t hide the fact they are continuing their Pro-republican same old good-ole boy bush stance. They whine about other News agencies deceiving viewers and endorse the same good-ole boy Fox News. theory. It’s a shame because even Fox News who is obviously pro-Mccain is embarassed by Sarah Palin(See her Katie Kouric interview). I can honestly say I’ve viewed both sides and have to agree with both sides that Sarah Palin is keen but clueless. After an unbiased review, I pretty much concluded the same as Mat Damon

*******UPDATE*******UPDATE*******(11-23-08)-The supposedly deleted blog that is widely circulated it receiving more authenticity as I research this matter. When I click the link in this deleted post it lead to a blank page which was in fact “deleted”. I am then led to an update by “DAD”. It’s obvious Larry Stockstill didn’t want to lose his main financial donations which come from the naive black congregation.


      Even Fox News as voting day drew near began criticizing Sarah Palin’s lack of knowledge, ESPECIALLY WHEN SHE ADMITTED SHE DID NOT KNOW AFRICA WAS A CONTINENT!!! Yet Joel Stockstill attempts to convince his naive congregation she is not only very knowledgable BUT WAS SPOKEN OF BY A PROPHET OF GOD,KIM CLEMENT, LOL!!. If she doesn’t know anything about Africa, How will she know anything about African-Americans??!! The Fox News Network in the above clip admitted they held off the knowledge that the Republican Party didn’t like McCain’s choice for a V.P.


Though Joel Quoted Fox News Channel To Promote Sarah Palin, We See Many Advertisers Quit Advertising Because They Don't Want To Be Associated With Racist. After So-And-So Falsely Claimed Pres. Obama Hates White People The Following Companines Pulled Their Support

Though Joel Quoted Fox News Channel To Promote Sarah Palin, We See Many Advertisers Quit Advertising Because They Don't Want To Be Associated With Racist. After So-And-So Falsely Claimed Pres. Obama Hates White People The Following Companines Pulled Their Support


After receiving several complaints and threats of leaving Bethany a damage-control post was written by “DAD” A.K.A. Larry Stockstill.  It just amazes me how they use Fox News as their source of info on Obama and the Praise of Sarah Palin(clueless) as a devout Christian(who spent $150,000 of donations in clothing in 2months or the infamous “Bridge to Nowhere“). I guess she lives the lifestyle of Joel who decided to go shopping in West Palm Beach when the worst Hurrican in History hit Baton Rouge, La. Birds of a feather flock together. It takes one to one.

Joel Stockstill claims that the goofball Sarah Palin’s nomination was sent from God(prophecy) to “Kim Clement” in January. ARE YOU KIDDING ME??!! Sarah Palin is a “Spirit filled believer”, JOEL ARE YOU NUTS??!! Read his blog entries on the “Palin Phenomen”. This was sent through a prophet, Kim Clement…LOL!!! You know I have to take back my statement that Bethany’s Black Congregation wasn’t deceived. THEY WERE!! Why? Because Bush obviously won in Louisiana. Only the Dixie South blacks were tricked. Everywhere else they remembered the last scam of these televangelist which caused George W. Bush to train-wreck America for the past 8 years. It’s also astounding to read how Joel calls on his congregation to pray for Sarah Palin’s campaign but nothing about President-Elect Obama’s; just the opposite he degrades Obama.

Prophecy….LOL…Oh my goodness! I would be ashamed to even let folks know I submit to Bethany’s leadership. Truly amazing.

 Well, I guess if they praise Joel for taking off to West Palm Beach to hit the malls after Gustav tore up Baton Rouge, they probally defended Sarah Palin for spending $150,000 in two months on clothes.

David Yonggi Cho Wednesday, Oct 1 2008 

     One of the originators of the “Prosperity Gospel”(A.K.A., Gospel of Greed, Name-it and Claim-it) and psuedo prophet behind the Brownesville Revival and Bethany’s Theology is Paul Yonggi Cho(formerly David).


     According to the Encyclopedia of Evangelism (Randall Balmer, 2004, Baylor University Press, Brownesville Revival,Pg.107):


“The Brownesville Revival can also lay claim to prophecy. Paul Yonggi Cho claimed that in course of praying for revival in America God prompted him to look at a map of the United States. His finger went to Pensacola, which is known as the ‘gay Rivera’ because of its general toleration of homosexuals. “I sensed the Lord say, I am going to send revival to the seaside city of Penscola, and it will spread like fire until all of America has been consumed by it”, Cho wrote in the foreword to Kilpatrick’s book, Feast of Fire.

An investigative report by the Pensacola News-Journal that same year(1997), however, revealed that some “converts” had been coached and that Hill (Steve Hill), one of the Pastors had significantly exaggerated his pre-conversion life in order to increase the “impact” of his autobiography, STONE COLD HEART.


     As we see, Paul/David Cho, claims to have “sensed” the voice of The Almighty to start to lead the way for massive revival in Pensacola, Florida. However, any small amount of research will show that the Revival not only came to nothing but was actually plagued with lies. Steve Hill claimed Congressman were attending and repenting and police officers were bringing inmates for conversion. All exposed by the investigative reporting from the Pensacola News-Journal as “exaggerated”. It should be noted that the Penscola News-Journal at first published favourable reports about the Brownesville Revival(A.K.A. Pensacola Outpouring) until they attempted to publish another favourable report only to be disappointed!!


     Pastor Larry Stockstill/Bethany’s Prosperity Theology can also be traced to David/Paul Yonggi Cho. It should be noted that Larry Stockstill does inform the reader that his book, THE LAW$ OF INCREA$E, is “not another name-it and claim-it” modus operandi. This is half true, His theology is actually built upon the name-it and claim-it doctrine. A concise version of Larry’s eisegesis and doctrine can be viewed in his 20/20 scam. Pastor Larry also proudly informs that he serves on Propeht Cho’s board in Seoul, Korea. As noted(The New International Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements, Stanley M. Burgess, Editor and Eduard M. Van Der Mass, Pg.521-522):


“Pastor Cho’s success formula is a combination of positive thinking and positive confession: “Think It, See It, Name It, Speak It in boldness(Kennedy,202)”. He teaches that through the power of the spoken word the Spirit-led believer can “create and release teh presence of Jesus Christ(Cho,81). He emphasizes being specific prayer:

One must visualize and specificy exactly what is needed, but is not an instant cure-all. Answers to prayers may take weeks or months”


     It’s no coincedence that Larry Stockstill and his family followed Cho’s advice and NAMED AND CLAIMED Amy Stockstill’s healing (See articl Claiming The Victory Precosously) which failed miserably!! This should be proof enough for Larry Stockstill to abandon Cho’s false doctrine. If there is one thing these Name-it and Claim-it televangelist should be admired for, it’s their ability to sneak in disclaimers. They wil will spend 99.9% of their time teaching you to “give over and beyond”, name-it and claim-it, blab-it and grab-it, dress like success, etc.” and yet when the naive get in a bind over this false doctrine, the disclaimer is pointed out:


  • You obviously don’t have enough faith
  • Put more money down on that blessing
  • Don’t let the devil steal your blessing
  • You’re time is coming(usually preached at the beginning of every year)
  • You’re going through a season


     All of this while they’re on vacation doing “Missionary work”, yeah…right, LOL!


     What is interesting is another doctrine usually found in the trick bag of these Televangelists. Again, they spend the majority of their time preaching prosperity, in particular money, and the only warning you get “…but is not an INSTANT cure-all”. Please note what the profit (pun intended) Cho is saying. He did not say, “Money isn’t a cure-all” he claims money isn’t an “INSTANT” cure-all.  He obviously disagrees with the Apostle Paul that money is the root of all sorts of evil! Cho backs up his money is not an “instant” cure-all with the exhortation, “Answers to prayers may take week or months”.

     The Holy Scriptures never teach us that money is a cure-all, whether instantly or not. Furthermore, when the disciples asked Christ to teach them to pray He specifically warned them afterwards(Mt.6):


Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 “But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal.


     This whole chapter is an excellent recording on the specifi context of Christ’s teaching on prayer and wanting treasures. Christ warns His disciples that is what the “Hypocrites” and “Pagans” do(Mt.6:7). They go on and on and on, using their many words thinking they’ll be heard. This brings us to Profit Cho’s next teaching which contradicts Christ’s.


“He recommends that ministers in his church spend three hours daily in prayer(The New International Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic movements, Stanley M. Burgess Editor & Eduard M. Van Der Mass, Pg.521-522)


     The (K)ing (J)ames (V)ersion rendered the original greek word Battalogeo as “repitition”. Yet the academic dictionaries inform us it means to “babble, use many words(Kittel’s TDNT)”. So “repittion” should be understood as repeating words(many words) and not repeating a formula or repeating the same word over and over or the Dictioary of Biblical Semantics:


33.88 βατταλογέωa: to speak much or extensively, with a possible added implication of meaningless words—‘to use many words, to speak for a long time.’

Please brothers and sisters in Christ, don’t follow this false prophet’s teaching not matter how seductive it sounds. Test all things by Christ!  I’m out of time but more to come on Prophet Cho’s cell groups (sound familiar?) and and praying for the 3-BEAT BLESSINGS OF HEALT, WEALTH, AND SUCCESS.”.  Also, the claim of Bethany and the rest of these televangelist to be “neo-charismatics” or the third-wave movement. It’s ironic how members of their congregation have no idea their church is actually part of this movement and contradict their pastors by stating, “oh, our church is non-denominational”.

Larry Stockstill’s Indirect Repentance Wednesday, Aug 27 2008 



     I knew this day would come. The traffic that has dramatically increased to this site it was only a matter of time that word would get back to Larry Stockstill of concerning Ovadyah’s Weblog.

     If you will take time to remember Pastor Joel Osteen’s interview on Larry King Live viewed by many on CNN. Larry King specifically asked Joel if he truly believed the words of Christ that He was the only way to The Father and if Muslims reject Christ and never accept Christ will they get into heaven. Joel danced around the question and was obviously afraid to back up Christ and buckled like Peter in the courtyard! After several complaints from his congregation, Joel Osteen apologized but not directly/formally but on a link tucked away on the congregations website which I can no longer locate.

     That brings us to Larry Stockstill. The word has obviously reached his ears about a menacing man of God who is slowly exposing the corruption of his House of Poverty(Bethany). Again, from the influx of traffic over the past (4) days I knew it was inevitable. Larry Stockstill quickly added TODAY(Aug.27,2008)!!!


In today’s world of hype, complex and false doctrine, phony testimonies, wild visions, and weird practices, I come back to “simplicity and sincerity.”


     Wow, this is definitely a mouthful and a good start. As I said to Miss Marian’s emotional message, “I give credit where credit is due”.  We the people at Ovadyah are still on alert and will never let our guard down but again good start. 

     I remain on alert because it’s an indirect repentance. He describes todays church or in his words “today’s world”  as(using his adjectives, Webster’s definitions, my examples):

  • Hype– To put on or deceive. For example Pastor Steve Hill’s claim about Congressman, Police with prisoners, etc. flooding his Pensacola/Brownesvill Revivals.
  • Complex– Hard to analyze, e.g., the voices that Televangelist constantly hear from God which contradicts written Scripture(complex because the member becomes confused. If my pastor claims to be hearing from God why does he/she contradict Scripture?! I don’t want to be a trouble maker)
  • False Doctrine- Deceptive teachings, e.g., Benny Hinn’s slaying people in the spirit, T.D. Jakes denial of the Trinity,  Oprah’s denial that Christ is the only way)
  • Phony Testimonies– A public confession of a FALSE EXPERIENCE, e.g., Steve Hill recanting and later admitting to exaggerate his preconversion life in order to “INCREASE THE IMPACT” of his autobiography, “Stone Cold Heart” which was exposed by the local newspaper(Pensacola News Journal AND  Encyclopedia of Evangelism, Randall Balmer, Pg.107 entitled Brownesville Revival).
  • Wild Visions- Fake dreams/divine Revelation(s), e.g., visits to heaven, dreams confirmed as visions from God without being sure, retelling complex dreams but not sure of it’s meaning (if any).
  • Weird Practices – Slain in the spirit(or as many have experience, shoved/forced down by cell leaders’ hands) disorder in the church by encouraging everyone to talk out loud which obviously will lead to unintelligable words falsey labeled “Speaking In Tongues”, Giving up money to the church until it ruins your families future.


     I couldn’t describe Bethany any better! However, let’s give credit where it’s due. Pastor Larry goes on to confess:

“I come back to simplicity and sincerity.”


     A Christian who knows Scripture and baby greek/hebrew knows that the above statement is a loud and clear confession of REPENTANCE, i.e., “…come back….”. Pastor Larry is now realising or has realised that things are out of control despite the many Yes-Men surrounding him. Or has he realised he was wrong? It’s definitely “COMPLEX” because to the laymen indirect. Is he only saying what people want to hear and continuing his old ways?! The same could be said of Jimmy Swaggart’s confession. Though he displayed a flood of tears and a red face and publicly, directly, repented. How can we know for sure? Only time will tell, is he still allowing disorder in the church and calling it speaking in tongues, is he still allowing false doctrines to be taught because it’s popular, are those on-the-run televangelist still allowed to teach at Bethany?

     I hope that Pastor Larry is truthful in his repentance and this is not a “PHONY TESTIMONY”. An interesting lexicon entry by Easton’s Bible Dictionary states:


Evangelical repentance consists of (1) a true sense of one’s own guilt and sinfulness; (2) an apprehension of God’s mercy in Christ; (3) an actual hatred of sin (Psalms 119:128; Job 42:5,6; 2co 7:10) and turning from it to God; and (4) a persistent endeavour after a holy life in a walking with God in the way of his commandments.

The true penitent is conscious of guilt (Psalms 51:4,9), of pollution (51:5,7,10), and of helplessness (51:11; 109:21,22). Thus he apprehends himself to be just what God has always seen him to be and declares him to be. But repentance comprehends not only such a sense of sin, but also an apprehension of mercy, without which there can be no true repentance (Psalms 51:1; 130:4).”


     We’ll see……

Peace to you,


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